I can't believe I am ruining my page with posts to try to get you people to understand. This is a professional page, not a preaching page. I can't believe I'm here angry enough to bitch about you guys when my good friend for 4 years is in the hospital because he was nearly mortally stabbed. He may not make it through the night.

Anyways, think of it this way:

You will have a bunch of 18-40 year old people paying for you guys to use Dream Seeker and the BYOND website for free. Wouldn't you much rather have this than have the exact same thing but have a bunch of annoying ringtone ads and ads telling you to shoot the bear for a great car insurance quote?

I don't even use the pager and I'm going to be paying for a membership. It is very nice being able to have an official blog where everyone can access it.

By the way: Yes, it isn't worth the money, the stuff you all see here. You know what, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! The main purpose of the money isn't for these features, it is to keep BYOND up and running. The satisfaction of helping out the website you have spent so much time on. You know whats great, YOU DONT HAVE TO! What if they forced you, eh??

And for the last time, they ARE NOT GETTING RICH OFF OF IT. I'm not even sure they are making a profit from it.

Also remember that NOTHING is free. Someone always pays for it, somewhere.
I'm free.
Completely agreed. And I hope your friend recovers.
I love you.

( Sorry about your friend... =( )
I love you more than Artekia does, Narky. This is very true, what you speak of, (and that I love you! Please come back home, the tub's gettin' cold...) and it has been gone through time and time again. Hopefully it'll stick to people eventually. Maybe they'll re-release Dimes to Members! Ooh!
.....ew. Now then why do you all say we don't know what were saying? Nerd, im sorry about your friend but come on! If BYOND was good for 7 years why is it all the sudden needing the money now? They already had a member function! Any of you happen to hear of BYONDscape? You act like this was the first time. That was making it have EXTRA features though. Please oh please do your research!
Sorry to hear about your friend Kunark, hope he recovers, and I agree with you.

Bon, with every new member Dantom was losing money. If BYOND was ever seriously advertised, Dantom would have gone broke really quickly. Even with the little bits of advertising here and there it was obviously getting to be a problem. The big problem is the pager with it's constant polling of who's online and where, and I'm sure these stupid chain letters weren't helping either. Apparently the 3%(pulled from my nether regions) of the community that subscribed to BYONDscape didn't comphensate for the 99%(this one too) that used the pager. Apparently the BYOND store hasn't attracted enough attention to offset the costs either.

It's quite obvious that they tried to get around making people pay for the pager a few times, but in the end if that's what they're paying so much money for, that's what they should be charging for. If you don't want to pay, don't. There are plently of better free messaging systems out there, and you even get a month to round up all your friends' contact information through the pager.
Bon, it has gone good for 7 years, most likely losing money. Did you know(I'm pretty sure) that the money, or most of it, that BYONDScape gets is distributed through contributors? I believe that's how it works, not completely sure, although I do know that they probably don't make a lot of money off it. I mean it's only a dollar a month, and you only really need a month to save all the libraries and whatever. Do your research. =|
Listen, this is the classic case of push and pull. If just all the out of America players subscribed (it's about 35%) then BYOND would make 10,500 DOLLARS! Think about it. That is nearly enough to get a car. DanTom will soon go to pay to play system soon.
Bon... Everytime I see your blog comments, you seem more and more full of crap. At first, I dissagreed with paying for the pager, but I have come to see this; (and listen good Bon)

The Creators of BYOND, built an amazing engine for creating, running, and playing games online..... Not only are these games a load of fun to play, but, you can play with your friends too! So now we have a system where anyone can create there own massive multiplayer games. A byond game is WHATEVER you want it to be. The graphics are as good as you make them. The story is as epic as you decide. BYOND was given to all of us to have fun, and damnit, we all have to admit, we did. We had tons of fun.

Can you guess who gave us that gift?

Dantom wanted BYOND to be completly free, and for awhile, it was. Bon, Ya know what? Some things are NOT possible. The BYOND staff can not pay for this on thier own, so, they ask for our help. And after all BYOND has done for you, you still sit and complain.

You make me sick.
Uhhg, I can't explain well enough why Dantom WILL NOT MAKE THIS KIND OF MONEY! They have NOT been doing well, they've sufferend because of BYOND.

You really have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to economics... Please, go ask someone like lummox so you can see what is really going to go on.
Argh, now im getting bullshit thrown at me. Notice the if's I threw in there? That is what it would be if that certian amount paid. Now then, I love BYOND but I don't love where it's going. You all act like im betraying it. I love America but I don't always like where it's going. I haven't been making up any of these things. Dantom has said that quote "Did we forget to mention? The BYOND software suite is absolutely, unconditionally free. Oh, there's a fortune to be made, but first ... the free-lance gaming revolution! Come join the fray as we sweep across the Internet and, of course, ... deep into the ever changing lands BYOND!" end quote. BYOND has accutaly had pay-pal links but did anyone pay attention? It seems the only time you all wanna donate is when something is being taken away. I know this sounds bitter but I am very mad that the old BYOND I know and love is changing into something I've never seen before. It's going to come back and bite us in the butt some day but hopefully DanTom is listening and will compromise somewhere.
Bon, your last comment didn't make any sense at all. Skipping the statistics that were pulled from god knows where, how did you make a jump from Dantom being able to buy a car, to BYOND turning into pay to play? "BYOND is and always will be free." If they go against that credo, then you can laugh in my face about it, but until then just trust it. As far as numbers are concerned, are you just against Dantom making money off of their brainchild? While I doubt they're going to be rolling in dough because of this, it certainly wouldn't make me any less willing to give them the money I think they deserve.
*sigh* I've made a crap load of comments onto different stuff. With the amount of cash possible from oh say 100 people in the U.S. that's about 1,500. Sound more reasonable to you all? Same here but think of how many people would want all these features. That is more likely 250 (25% of BYOND) and we'll pretend that yet again it's just U.S. Then that gives him 3,750$. We'll go with a guess that it's 100 dollars a month to run BYOND which gives him a total bill of 1,200 dollars. Simple math tells us that he'll get a surplus of 2,550 dollars. It seems you all sort of read my comments and pay attention. I usually change depending on what the topic is about. I like Dantom he made a great thing, but he is doing things I don't like. Please do not just say Im dumb unless you've read all my comments.
I meant the comment before that last one (took me a while to write). BYOND has had BYONDscape subscriptions and the BYOND store as far as I know. There was no donating to BYOND unless you went around giving random people BYONDscape subscriptions, or gave the majority of it to Cafepress. I sent dimes to the Dantom key when we had them, I subscribed to BYONDscape when it was an option, I've put everything useful that I could up on the hub or BYONDscape, and I'm sure Kunark has done twice as much. Maybe you haven't noticed, but we like to support BYOND in general. It's not that they can't make mistakes, we just don't see this as one. It's the most logical thing to do, some special features of the pager costs them lots of money, so they charge for it.
Let's just say your... wierd logic... is accurate.

BYOND cost probably about 150 a month.
You say they will make 2,550 dollars a year. (15 doller sub == 1 year membership)

150 (cost of BYOND) x 12 (months) = 1800

2,550 - 1800 = 750

750 dollars... A year. thats what pocket cash they COULD get to split up between the staff.

I think they deserve it first off.
and secondly, I doubt they would spend that 750 on anything other than BYOND anyway.

This is working towards preserving BYOND, and working towards it future.
You want us to see your side of the story... well now look at ours for once.
I've been on BYOND for three years and enjoyed each and everyone of them. This's so new and it isn't like we had a big announcment saying ,"Hey were going to make you pay to get in on the pager." Ample warning and telling us that this was coming would've cause quite a stir. So..*having problems paying attention due to sleepyness*
Bon, again, what exactly is the problem with Dantom making money off of this? They've worked on it for free (losing money actually) for a long time now. Did you not have a problem with that? Even if you're numbers where correct, 2,000-3,000 dollars a year is chump change for one person and at the very least this is going to two (Dan and Tom). I'd be happier if they could make $80,000 or so a year, so that they can live off of BYOND and hopefully stay home to put more work into it instead of a day job.
YMI is god. I aggree. Dan and Tom deserve at least 80 thousand a year.
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